Wild Cacao immersion


Registrations are closed

Wild Cacao immersion

NATURE, TRIBE AND CHOCOLATE. What else can one ask for?


WILD CACAO is a Retreat designed to deepen, through the Medicine Wheel, the wisdom of Cocoa as a Power Plant.

During 5 days and 4 nights we will explore, play, investigate and connect with the Spirit of this sacred plant, whose mission is to open the hearts of human beings to help us evolve and develop our gifts through Love.@.



About the retrest

​Nature, Tribe & Chocolate .
This is the basic recipe to freedom, expansion and play, but we can also add more ingredients, and we will:

√ Big handfuls of free movement.
√ Sips of shamanic ancestral wisdom.
√ Tasty Hugs.
√ Spicy sights.
√ The perfect doses of nutritious vegan food.
√ Fresh spring water and gorgeous gorges.
√ Gooey helpings of laughter and joy.
√ Aromas of forest, sky and earth.

Cotact Number: +34659299025
Best between 12h & 19 h. Write me at  and I will call you back.

I want to reserve my place at the tablea

Who is it for?

​There are no requirements to participate in this retreat. It is not necessary to have practiced Yoga, Dance, or even to have never taken Cacao in Ceremony before. In fact, people who have never tasted Cocoa at a ceremony get great benefits from such an experience.
Many times we go to the call without knowing very well what we are going to, and the result is learning and support for life in the spirit of the little plant of Cacao..

What do I need to know to participate?

It is not necessary that you have previous experience in the practice of yoga (asanas) or that your body is very flexible, just that you are in good shape for physical activity.
You don't need to be used to meditating, just be interested and willing to start.
It is not necessary that you practice hiking on a regular basis, just that you are used to walking for 3 or 4 hours.

What do I need to bring?

To make your stay more comfortable, remember that Lalita is located in a rural area surrounded by nature, we recommend that you bring:

  • ​Some weeks before the Retreat we will get in touch with you with a list of what you will need to bring. Do not worry about this, it will be simple things.
  • DNI o Pasaporte para el registro oficial de viajeros.
  • Calzado adecuado para el campo.
  • Esterilla de yoga, zafú (cojín) o bloque de yoga y mantita para la meditación.
  • Ropa cómoda.
  • Ropa para el trekking (camisetas transpirables y pantalón largo o desmontable)
  • Gorro/a o sombrero, gafas de sol, bañador y protección solar.
  • Linterna.
  • Toalla y enseres de higiene personal.
  • Cantimplora o Termo y/o botella para agua.
  • Si tienes el sueño ligero, tapones para los oídos. Tendrás compañía en la habitación.

And a lot of desire to share and have a good time!

Eva MonRo

@eva.almalibre es Eva MonRo.

Rituals - Body - Dance
An explorer of the XXI Century. 

Hedonist, tribal, emotional and madly serene. 

I believe with conviction that the Body is a technology at the service of our evolution and that Cacao has come to open our hearts and remind us of our Sacred bond with Mother Earth. Cacao’s medicine came to me with the force of a Mountain. 

We’ve been sharing this path since 2011.


@cacaoamor es DEYA

Cacao Sorceress. Temple of Amor Priestess
Medicine woman from Ecuador. Grew up drinking Cacao and has been offering ceremonies since 2014.
Founder of CacaoAmor. Nature Lover. 

Her mission is to share the healing powers of Cacao, expanding joy and love whilst taking care of the Earth. She is a beautiful being of light, laughter and the energetic embodiment of joy inherent in the spirit of Cacao. 

She exports Ceremonial grade Cacao from her native land, collaborating with a local cooperative, whose work takes care of biodiversity and the land, helping to expand the Medicine of Cacao to the Seven Directions.

Wednesday July 26 - Arrival day

We will receive the participants and assign the rooms.


Welcome and introduction.


Yoga Practice

20:00 - 21:00

Dinner, vegetarian food made with local products and prepared with a lot of love

21:30 - 22:30

Activity WorkRoom & stargazing

Example day - From July 27, 28, 29

Yoga Practice


Juices, nuts and fruit 

10:00 - 13:30


13:o0 - 14:00


15:00 - 17:00

Rest and Relaxation

17:00 WorkShop
20:00 - 21:00dinner, vegetarian food.
Activity WorkRoom
Farewell day - July 30

Yoga Practice

9:00 - 9:45

Juices, nuts and fruit


Walk through the forest and meditation in the Temple.




 closing and farewell


Necessary investment

 A few weeks before the retreat we will send you an email with more details. In addition, in our first meeting we will explain how to move and take care of the space that will welcome us.

Prices :
€590 - Reservations made in April.
€650 - Reservations made in May and June.
€770 - Reservations made in July.


There is no possibility of accommodation in tents or vans.
The rooms are equipped with high quality mattresses, cushions, cotton sheets and duvets. The bathrooms are shared.
Reservations and cancellations: Reserve your place with an amount of €170 through the web: www.evamonro.com/retirocacaosalvaje.

Subsequently, we will contact you to agree on the form and terms of payment of the rest of the amount depending on the date on which you have registered.
Payments are accepted in three installments as long as the total is paid before July 12.

Reservations and Cancellations

Cancellations on your part: the deposits made are not returned. Keep in mind that we will have to pay your part to the retreat space and face other expenses.
Cancellations by the organization: the amount paid will be returned (minus an amount of management expenses) or it will be kept in custody if you wish for future events.


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Start - 17:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Sunday, 30 July 2023
End - 16:00 (Europe/Madrid) Add to Calendar

Lalita Devi Escuela de Vida S.L

Finca el Linar 1
10857 Acebo
Get the direction

Eva Monforte Rodríguez

+34 659 29 90 25

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The Retreat Center "Lalita Devi".

In the heart of Sierra de Gata, province of Cáceres is the "Lalita Devi Retreat Center". In a fertile valley at the foot of the Jálama mountain, between oak and chestnut forests and a small river that sustains life, we began our journey 38 years ago. We went, in a way like many others. Pioneers in our search for a different, more natural, simpler and more sustainable lifestyle. With an inward look and a great need to heal the mind and soul, Lalita's project was born. And so. Accompanied by our family, friends and endless seekers and travelers who little by little left their mark on the place and our hearts, what is now "Lalita Devi School of Life" was built, the retreat space, nature and introspection that we want to share with you.

We are located within an 18-hectare farm where you can bathe in natural pools, walk through its forests at dawn or enjoy unforgettable nights under the stars.

Lalita's food is vegetarian, with a wide variety of organic products and dishes inspired by international cuisine, which are prepared every day with fresh, regional and quality products.

Frequent questions:

Our basic diet is Ovo-lacto Vegetarian, we prepare a varied menu with organic cereals and legumes and fresh fruit and vegetables. The menu consists of a salad, a main dish with its corresponding garnish, and at least one cream or soup.

We are aware that there are more and more people with specific dietary needs and therefore we know the importance of providing a consistent service. If you need a specific type of diet, do not hesitate to consult the organizer of the event with enough time in advance to be able to make the corresponding purchases and modifications to the menu.

The center admits pets, however we ask that the owner commit to their care and that the animal does not interfere with the development of group activities. You will have a vast field surface at your disposal but you will not be able to access any of the facilities. Keep in mind that we are in a rural area and that there are territorial field dogs whose purpose is to care for livestock, so the owner of the animal may bring his pet at his own responsibility and 

How to get to Lalita from Madrid? 

By bus:

To get to Lalita from Madrid you have to take the Avanza company bus at the South bus station in Madrid. The metro station is Méndez Álvaro and the telephone number is 914 684 200.
If you come from the airport you have to have at least an hour by public transport and by taxi it takes about 20 minutes.

By car: 

From Madrid you must take the N5 "Carretera de Extremadura" and past Navalmoral de la Mata turn off towards Plasencia. then continuing along the same Plasencia road, it continues towards Coria, Moraleja, Perales del Puerto, Hoyos and finally the town of Acebo. Once there, ask for the way to the natural pools, you will immediately see a detour that says Lalita. follow the track up the mountain and at the detour always to your right.

How to get to Lalita from Sevilla?

By bus:

To get to Lalita from Seville you have to take the bus from the Plaza de Armas station. You have to take a bus in the direction of Cáceres. Once there, you have to change to Acebo. Ask at the ticket office if there is a change in Coria or if the bus goes directly, that depends on the days and times chosen.
You will have to contact someone from the event to bring Lalita to you. Lalita is 3km from Acebo.

How to get to Lalita from San Sebastian?

By bus:

To get to Lalita from San Sebastián (Donostia) you will have to take the bus from the San Sebastián bus station with the company Alsa.
The bus leaves in the morning at 7:40 a.m. and arrives at 5:45 p.m. in Hoyos, a town located about 10 kilometers from Lalita. Lalita ensures your pick-up upon the arrival of the bus.