Check availability for a retreat or event

In order to serve you better and give you more precise information, we would like to know a little more about you and the activity that you would like to carry out in Lalita. Fill in the information that we request below and we will contact you as soon as possible

Please provide the full name of the contact person.
Provide a landline or mobile phone number where we can call you.
What time is best to call you?​
Briefly tell us what the activity is about that you would be interested in doing with us.
It will help us better understand your needs and assess the suitability of our facilities.
Approximately how many people will participate in the activity.
Anything else we should know or that you would like to share with

Gracias por contactar con Lalita Devi Escuela de Vida S.L

Angela Camus responsable comercial se pondrá en contacto en breve contigo.
Mientras tanto, le invitamos a visitar la información para organizadores que tenemos disponible en nuestro sitio WEB.